[Free Sheet]秒速五厘米主題曲 - One more time, One more chance(山崎將義)的鋼琴演奏版本 OST
This page shows 1 page sample along with sheet music player. Full sheet music contains 6 pages
Format of sheet music file is pdf
Attention : Mp3 of the sheet music is NOT provided by sheet composer, please consider whether the sheet meets your needs before downloading
Note: There is no guarantee that the MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music. Please listen to the sheet music player (completely consistent) on the top of this page for reference.
Sheet Uploader
Uploaded at: 2007-09-08
前幾天站上有人放出了One more time, One more chance 的鋼琴譜,不過並不是OST裡面的版本的。花了一些時間終於找到了原聲帶中的鋼琴演奏版(從當初聽到音樂到現在找了快一個月...一度放棄),在此分享給或許也正在拼命找這首歌的同好下載~

出處:josh's anime sheet music master index
作者:Temon。Transcribed by waseda_rion


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