[Free Sheet]舒伯特(Franz Schubert) - AVE MARIA (聖母頌) (鋼琴獨奏譜 古典作品)
This page shows 1 page sample along with sheet music player. Full sheet music contains 3 pages
Format of sheet music file is pdf
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Uploaded at: 2012-05-30
本樂譜分享給大家免費下載.奧地利作曲家"舒伯特"(Franz Schubert,1797-1827)在他短短31年生命中創作了無數藝術歌曲,這首聖母頌直到現代還不斷有歌手爭相演唱,版本不計其數,編成鋼琴獨奏得輕鬆上首版,讓喜歡舒伯特的朋友能很快享受彈奏的樂趣.歡迎喜愛這曲的朋友自由下載.此琴譜難易度上屬於容易.能輕鬆上手,又容易又好聽.(要試聽琴譜可點選LINK
This uploader pichia of this sheet music has passed the quality certification, welcome to click me to ask him to make a score for you


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