海上鋼琴師 - Magic Waltz (最接近原聲帶的版本 包含彈奏教學)
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Note: There is no guarantee that the MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music. Please listen to the sheet music player (completely consistent) on the top of this page for reference.
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Uploaded at: 2008-04-12
演奏影片 : LINK

彈奏教學 : LINK

電影插曲。這份譜已經非常接近原聲帶了,花了我不少時間才編好 = =" 希望大家可以彈得很開心!!! 特別注意"搖擺八分音符"的使用時機,還有主旋律及伴奏兩者線條的分明... 請參考電影發行的原聲帶~ (P.S.請不要拿來做任何商業用途喔,謝謝 : )



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