Flower Dance-DJ Okawari
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Note: There is no guarantee that the MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music. Please listen to the sheet music player (completely consistent) on the top of this page for reference.
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Uploaded at: 2012-10-09
這首是一個日本的DJ Okawari所做的曲子!這首曲子被收錄在一杯咖啡這專輯裡 :) 這首帶有一點激昂的味道又有點華麗,後面有淡淡的收尾 :) 真是好聽至極 !!
p.s這首之前有人有po過,不過有些小地方有點不太一樣唷 :)
這首小女子是看著YOUTUBE上的影片慢慢打下來的,(因為想要跟同學合奏這版本我比較喜歡xd)如果有錯誤還請指教 !


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