[Free Sheet]※免費樂譜※ Frank Mills - He's Alright (After the Dancer)
This page shows 1 page sample along with sheet music player. Full sheet music contains 4 pages
Format of sheet music file is pdf
Note: There is no guarantee that the MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music. Please listen to the sheet music player (completely consistent) on the top of this page for reference.
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這是法蘭克米斯的專輯After the Dancer裡的一首曲子,偶然在查音樂盒 的時候發現了, 在網路上找不到他本人彈奏的版本, 於是我就用這一片來聽編, 因為混合多種樂器 左手可能比較忙 但是他卻是初級後期到中級程度的演奏曲, 全曲三段,屬於新世紀風格,清新的田園風格, 很適合當作鬧鐘或是開啟新的一天用的音樂。
This uploader 郭酸甜 of this sheet music has passed the quality certification, welcome to click me to ask him to make a score for you


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